von admin | Apr. 17, 2010 | in English, Peru, Südamerika
Lima war nur ein kurzer Stop. Gerade genug Zeit, um ein paar Couchsurfer kennenzulernen und um in den Touri-Sightseeing-Bus zu hüpfen – open air versteht sich. Mehr Bilder in der Galerie unter Watch Me!Just a short stopover in Lima. Just enough time to meet some...
von admin | Apr. 14, 2010 | in English, Peru, Südamerika
From La Paz along the Titicaca Lake I drove to Cusco, the entrance to Machu Picchu, the most popular ruins of the Inca. After the heavy rainfall most of the track and also the train was damaged and closed from February to the end of March. The 1st of April they...
von admin | Apr. 10, 2010 | Bolivien, Südamerika
Boliviens Geographie ist höchst interessant: grob in drei Teile eingeteilt, besteht Bolivien aus dem heißen Amazonas-Tiefland, den Yungas im Osten und dem zentralen Hochland, welches von zwei Anden-Gebirgsketten umschlossen wird, deren Gipfel über 6.500m hoch liegen....
von admin | Apr. 5, 2010 | Bolivien, in English, Südamerika
From Santiago (350m) to San Pedro de Atacama (2.300m) – through the desert, salt lakes and geysers, to 4.850m above sea level, to chewing coca leaves and meeting amazing Bruno – a doctor of the desert in his jogging-gear 😉 – to read the whole story scroll...
von admin | Apr. 4, 2010 | Chile, Südamerika
I stayed only two days in Santiago de Chile and took the plane to San Pedro de Atacama in the north of Chile. San Pedro is an oasis in the driest place on earth – the Atacama Desert! I rented a mountain bike to explore the desert. I asked for a map but nobody had one....
von admin | März 24, 2010 | Argentinien, in English, Südamerika
In vino veritas – ”truth lies in wine” … The province around Mendoza is the most important wine region in Argentina. More than 50% of the 1.500 wine producers are located here. Mendoza is not far away from the Andes and the highest mountain: Mt. Acongaua,...